Here at Tri-Bay Construction, we have built a team that thrives on the values of a work ethic. While some may attribute it to the generation of our employees and partners, others recognize that it is a natural characteristic ingrained within us. We continually develop and rebuild our external team as well.
Over the past decade, Tri-Bay and its support teams have refused to follow “societal norms” and thrived on standing out as a company that “does things differently.”
We own any mistakes we do make and do not make you pay for them. We correct those mistakes as soon as they are recognized. We also acknowledge and admit that we can make mistakes (humanness) and learn something new every day.
We have found in over thirty years in the construction industry that no one knows everything there is to know. If they say they do, we thank them for their vast knowledge and move away quickly. If we are not learning, we are not listening.
As we learn, we will teach. When we need help, we ask. When we hit a wall, we seek a new path. When wrong, we admit it and seek right. We have recently observed certain societal norms that we find hard to accept, and we believe such attitudes should not be tolerated. Nor should you!
We have had to turn down projects from clients who have big dreams but do not have the financing to back those dreams. We believe in supporting those who have a dream and wish them success.
However, we will not compromise that vision for profit by leading them down a path that would eventually shatter it. We have had to invoke contractual clauses because of signatures not being honored. We have faced individuals with such massive egos that they have attributed design flaws, substandard construction, and hollow sales pitches to us.
We have waited for permits from jurisdictions for months without them considering the effects on the Owners, businesses, or tenants who are depending on those spaces to make a living.
The saddest part of the last situation is that you and I are paying the salaries of those who can change the current situation but will not.
The attitude appears to be, “What is good enough for Congress is good enough for us! If they will not get anything accomplished, neither will we.”
The sadder part of that scenario is that we seem to accept that and justify it with things like, “Well, everyone is busy” or “That’s just the way it is.”
We can lament these experiences or find the best solutions available to work through these situations and maintain a positive work environment for all our clients, regular subcontractor partners, regular design team, and other support personnel we choose to surround ourselves with.
The past is unchangeable, and the future is unknown, but the present and what I do today will affect my future. We do not pass judgment on those who might be conformists, for that is a choice, and because of where we choose to live, we have options today.

Call it old-fashioned, outdated, out of vogue, not profitable enough, or any other description you wish. Tri-Bay Construction continues to operate with a work ethic and surrounds itself with those who share those values. A strong work ethic has brought us success in business and life, forging enduring relationships with exceptional individuals and companies that we are honored to be associated with.
The reward has been and continues to be priceless. “Any job worth doing is worth doing well!”